





    ABB 2MBI400U4U-120-50
    发布者:WEIXUAN008  发布时间:2024-05-20 10:21:16  访问次数:94

    Roller Bearing 22209(E1,RHRW33,EAE4,LH-22209CD1,E),STANDARD,45IDx85ODx23W,SPHERICAL,FOR APL BRIDE ROLL REDUCER Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Roller Bearing 22209K(E1,RHRW33,EAE4,LH-22209CD1,E),STANDARD,45IDx85ODx23W,SPHERICAL LGP Vietnam
    Roller Bearing 22210K(E1,RHRW33,EAE4,LH-22210CD1,E),STANDARD,50IDx90ODx23W,SPHERICAL,FOR BAL BELT WRAPPER Web:  
    Roller Bearing 22210,50IDx90ODx23W, WITH SEAL COMPOUND GRAPHITE #2-1 TYPE Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Roller Bearing 22211BD1,55IDx100ODx25W,SPHERICAL LGP Vietnam
    Roller Bearing 22212 CDC4S11,60IDx110ODx28W Web:  
    Roller Bearing 22205(E1,RHRW33,CE4,CD1,E),STANDARD,25IDx52ODx18W,SPHERICAL,FOR 1CC SLAB 4 PINCH ROLL REDUCER Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Roller Bearing 22206 ESTVPB,30IDx62ODx20W,SPHERICAL LGP Vietnam
    Roller Bearing 22207K(E1,RHRW33,CE4,CD1,E),STANDARD,35IDx72ODx23W,SPHERICAL Web:  
    Roller Bearing 22207C,35IDx72ODx23W,SPHERICAL Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Roller Bearing 22207C3(E1,RHRW33,CE4,CD1,E),STANDARD,35IDx72ODx23W LGP Vietnam
    Contactor Web:  
    Ith: 1000A; Ui: 1000V ~ Uimp: 8 Kv Bearing Vietnam distributor
    working rate: 3~AC 440V/450kW LGP Vietnam
    Model: LC1F800 Web:  
    Manufacturer: Schneider Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Country of origin: EU/G7 LGP Vietnam
    FAN COOLED 004375 02 SH1 TYPE BVTLF1GG1PW210- Bearing Vietnam distributor
    N1265LS160 To drawing 21-1425/06-35 Suitable to give an LGP Vietnam
    output of 440 Web:  
    volts at 1,120 amps at an ambient temperature of 45oC Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Comprising of: – LGP Vietnam
    4 x N1265LS160 thyristor (in place of ST730C16L) Web:  
    2×20-681-32/1400 fuse Bearing Vietnam distributor
    2 x 58-0316 thermostat 100C N/C LGP Vietnam
    2 x 58-0369 thermostat 110C N/C Web:  
    1 x DVTMV2-821 dv/dt suppression Bearing Vietnam distributor
    2 x 69-0028 fan 230Vac LGP Vietnam
    Code: 004375 02 SH1 Web:  
    Manufacturer: Power Production International Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Country of origin: UK/EU/G7 LGP Vietnam
    Current Transformer Web:  
     Second current: 5A Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Frimarycurent: 1200A LGP Vietnam
    Insulation Class : 0 6 kV Web:  
       burden: 10 VA Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Type: FCT 105-1200/5 LGP Vietnam
     Manufacturer: Eltime Controls Web:  
    Ampere meter Bearing Vietnam distributor
     Range: 0-1200A LGP Vietnam
    Model: F S 5A; P/N: E244-02AG Web:  
     Manufacturer: Crompton Country of origin: EU/G7 Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Voltage meter LGP Vietnam
    Range: 0-500V Web:  
     Model: PT; P/N: E244-02VG Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Manufacturer: Crompton Country of origin: EU/G7 LGP Vietnam
    Thryristor controller CB17-2-PAN-CN1 Web:  
     Manufacturer: EX Heat Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Thyristor extract fan 230VAC,50/60Hz, 44W/46W LGP Vietnam
    Model: 5E-230B Web:  
     Manufacturer: BISONIC Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Country of origin: EU/G7/ Asian LGP Vietnam
    Control transformer Web:  
     Rating: 1000VA Bearing Vietnam distributor
    Input/Output voltage: 440V/220V LGP Vietnam
    Dimemsions: H155 x W170 x D136 Web:  
     Design : BS171 BS3535 Bearing Vietnam distributor

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