Descrtption P/N System
Interface Mod 86517
Cover Plates 128031
Cover Plates 128725
Sensor 330400
Future Expansion Covers -
Back plane Covers -
Panel Blanks-136386-01, 80098-01 101703-01
Data Manager I/O Module 125760-01
TMR Aero GT Vibration I/O Module, Rear Card 126640-01
Key Phasor I/O Module 126648-01
3300 Complete Chassis with all cards 128702-01 3300
Cables-3500 System 129525-0005-02 3500
Cables 129525-0010-02
Cables 129529-0010-02 是上海韦米机电设备有限公司的【重点优势产品】之一,我们有着专业的销售团队,一流的技术服务,如果您有什么需求或建议请联系我们:021-61116911 18116130216 传真:021-51334670 QQ1572831683 联系人:何小姐
Cables 129530-0005-02
Cables 129530-0010-02
Cables 130118-0010-02
Cables 130419-0025-02
Cables 130539-10
上海韦米机电设备有限公司位于上海市浦东新区金桥禹洲国际,是一家从事经营国外进口液压气动备件、自动化仪表的贸易型公司;专注于中国工业传动自动化流体领域。主营产品电磁阀、柱塞泵、数控模块、伺服电机、可编程控制器、传感器、气动元件、工业仪器仪表等。经营品牌有:博世力士乐rexroth、阿托斯ATOS、迪普马DUPLOMATIC、Parker派克、EATON VICKERS伊顿、贝加莱B&R、西门子Siemens低压、爱尔泰克Airtec气动等进口品牌。
公司本着创业人为本、发展靠科技、管理出效益、信誉第一、服务至上的理念。为广大的顾客创造价值 ,为企业创造效益 ,为社会创造财富 ,为员工创造机遇的发展方向 。我们的理念是让优秀的企业成为我们的客户,让我们的客户成为优秀的企业。公司不仅仅提供专业的销售服务,同时还建立了完善的售后服务体系,为企业发展中遇到的问题和困难提供指导帮助。我们相信,通过我们的不断努力和追求,一定能够实现与中小企业的互利共赢!
![](http://img05.jdzj.com/oledit/UploadFile/news2015a/image/20170227/2017022710080636636.jpg) 3300 ALARM RELAY OUTPUTS VELOMITOR XDCR I/O & RECORD TERMINALS 130732-01 3300
Cables 131178-01
Cables 135101-0010-02
BN 2201 MONITORING SOLAR 135462-01
Cables 138131-010
3300-Card 14-01-20-01
CTC RS Power Monitor,PMI-5E1-XD3 148654-01
3300 Complete Chassis with all cards 16-02-01-02-01
Terminal Block 165858-0
BN 7200 5/8mm PROXIMETOR SENSOR 18745-03 7200
Prox. Sensor 7200 5/8mm 18745-03
Transient Data Manager 2100/00-0110-01-00
Probes-missing tip 21000-00-00-00-085-03-02
Relative Probes 21000-05-05-00-085-03-02
Relative Probes 21000-11-05-00-085-00-02
Relative Probes 21000-11-05-00-085-06-02
Probes 21000-20-05-00-085-03-02
Probes 21000-24-05-00-085-03-02
Probe 21000-28-05-00-083-03-02
Probes 21000-28-05-30-028-03-02
Probes 2100-28-05-00-083-03-02
Transient Data Interface 2133/00-10-01-00-01
7200 Series Probe 21504-004-024-10-02 7200
Cables 21747-045-01
Cables 21747-085-01
3300 Complete Chassis with all cards 25-01-03-03-00-00 3300
3300-Card Dual 25-03-05-05-01 3300
3300-Card 25-03-05-05-03 3300
Probes 30004-02-12-18-02
Probes 3100-01-10-50-02-40-00-00
3300 Complete Chassis with all cards 31546-01 3300
3300-no B/N Data plate 3300/ 3300
System Monitor 3300/01-02-00 3300
3300 System Monitor 3300/03 3300/03-01-01 3300
System Monitor, Jo4971 3300/03-02-01 3300
BN 3300/05 RACK 3300/05-24-00-00 3300
3300 Complete Chassis with all cards 3300/05-27-01-01 3300
3300 Complete Chassis with all cards 3300/05-27-03-01 3300
Power Supply Assembly 3300/10-01-02-01 3300
Power Supply Assembly 3300/10-01-06-00 3300
BN 3300/12 POWER SUPPLY 3300/12-01-20-00 3300
Power Supply Assembly 3300/12-01-20-00
3300-Transducer Voltage Option 3300/14-01-20-01 3300
BN 3300/15 DUAL VIBRATION MONITOR 3300/15-02-01-02-01-00-01 3300
Dual Vibration XY/Gap Monitor 3300/16-02-01-01-00-00 3300
BN 3300/16 DUAL VIBRATION XY/GAP MONITOR 3300/16-02-01-01-00-00-00 3300
2830090-4 Dual Vibration XY/Gap Monitor & Alarm Panel 2 pieces 3300/16-02-01-02-01-00-00 3300
2830090-4 Dual Vibration XY/Gap Monitor & Alarm Panel 2 pieces 3300/16-02-01-02-03-00-00 3300
2830090-4 Dual Vibration XY/Gap Monitor & Alarm Panel 2 pieces 3300/16-02-01-03-00-00 3300
Dual Vibration XY/Gap Monitor 3300/16-02-01-03-00-00-00 3300
3300 Dual Vibration XY/GAP Monitor 3300/16 3300/16-03-01-00-03-00-00 3300
BN 3300/16 DUAL VIBRATION XY/GAP MONITOR 3300/16-03-01-01-00-00-00 3300
2830090-4 Dual Vibration XY/Gap Monitor & Alarm Panel 2 pieces 3300/16-12-01-02-01-00-00 3300
2830090-4 Dual Vibration XY/Gap Monitor & Alarm Panel 2 pieces 3300/16-12-01-02-01-00-01 3300
285430C-4 3300/17-03-01-02-03-00 3300
Dual Thrust Monitor With Interface 3300/20-01-01-00-00 3300
3300-Dual Thrust Monitor 3300/20-01-01-03-01-00 3300
BN 3300/20 DUAL THRUST MONITOR 3300/20-02-01-01-00-00 3300
Dual Thrust Monitor With Interface 3300/20-03-01-03-00-00 3300
3300-Dual Thrust Monitor 3300/20-12-01-02-01-00 3300
3300-Dual Thrust Monitor 3300/20-12-01-02-01-01 3300
3300-Dual Accel Monitor 3300/25-01-03-03-01-00 3300
3300-Dual Accel Monitor 3300/25-01-03-03-01-00-00 3300
BN 3300/25 DUAL ACCELEROMETER MONITOR 3300/25-01-XX-XX-00-00-03-00 3300
BN 3300/25 DUAL ACCELEROMETER MONITOR 3300/25-01-XX-XX-00-00-03-00 3300
3300 Dual Accel Monitor, 2 pieces 3300/25-03-05-05-01-00-02-01 3300
Dual Accelerator Monitor 3300/25-05-04-06-00-00-00-00 3300
6 Ch Temperature Monitor 3300/30-13-01-01-00-00 3300
BN 3300/35 SIX CHANNEL TEMP MONITOR 3300/35-02-01-01-00-00 3300
Tachometer Monitor 3300/50-01-00-00-00 3300
Tachometer Monitor 3300/50-01-00-01-00 3300
BN 3300/55 DUAL VELOCITY MONITOR 3300/55-03-04-05-05-01-00-07-00 3300
BN 3300/55 DUAL VELOCITY MONITOR 3300/55-03-04-05-05-01-00-07-00 3300
BN 3300/65 RADIAL VIBRATION DUAL PROBE MONITOR 3300/65-02-01-00-00-01-01 3300
3300/95-01-07-04 3300
Kit 3300-95-01-07-00-02-13-4 3300
Mod# 145806-01 P/N 79748-01 3300-95-01-07-03-00-02 3300
Kit -03-83-02-00-01-01 3300-95-01-14-05-00-01 3300
Kit -13-47-02-00-01-01-00 3300-95-01-16-01-00-02 3300
Kit -03-83-02-00-03-01-00 P/N 285430C-4, Filter Module Vibration 3300-95-03-03-05-01-01 3300
3300-8mm Prox. 330100-90-03 3300
9mm System Length Prox. Sensor 330100-90-05
Probe 330101-00-20-05-20-05
Probes/Sensors 330102-00-48-05-02-05
Model 3300 Series probes and cable 330130-035-00-05 3300
Probes 330130-045-00-05
Cables/Probes-CA21747-085-01 330130-045-01-05
Probe 382A4803P0001, 8mm 330130-080-00-00
Cables 330130-080-01-00
Probes 330130-085-00-00
Cables/Probes-382A4803P0001 330130-085-01-01
BN 3300 X/L 5/8mm PROXIMETOR SENSOR 330180-50-00 3300
Prox. Sensor 3500 5/8mm 330180-50-05 3500
Prox. Sensor 3500 5/8mm 330180-51-05 3500
Prox. Sensor 3500 5/8mm 330180-90-05 3500
Prox. Sensor 3500 9mm 330180-91-05 3500
Probes, 25 mm 330854-040-24-05
Cable/Probe 33130-040-00-05
3300 34007-01
Low Voltage DC Power Supply, Pair of Cards F&R 3500/15 3500
Rack Interface I/O Module, Pair of Cards F&R 3500/20 3500
4 Channel Relay Monitor 3500/32 3500
Proximitor Monitor, Pair of Cards F&R 3500/40M 3500
42M Proximitor Seismic Monitor, Pair of Cards F&R 3500/42M 3500
Aero GT Vibration Monitor, Pair of Cards F&R 3500/44M 3500
Aero GT Vibration Monitor, Pair of Cards F&R 3500/44M-02-01 3500
Comm. Gateway Module 3500/92 3500
VGA Display Monitor 3500/94 3500
Low Pass Freq.- 1 Damaged Canon connection 350500-00-00-00-01-01 3500
RPS(L) 45606-01