北京华誉鼎盛科技有限公司 联系电话 13621394833
品牌 汤浅/YUASA 类型 储能用蓄电池
电池盖和排气拴结构 阀控式密闭蓄电池 荷电状态 免维护蓄电池
型号 RE5-12 额定容量 5AH
电压 12(V) 尺寸 90*70*106MM
1) Nominal Voltage 12V
2) Nominal Capacity
20 hour rate 250 ma to 10.50V 5.0 Ah
10 hour rate 460 ma to 10.50V 4.6 Ah
5 Hour rate 9.5 ma to 10.20V 4.25 Ah
1 Hour rate 3000 ma to 9.60V 3.0 Ah
3) Weight (approx.) 1850gm
4) Internal Resistance (approx.) 40 mohms (approx)
5) Maximum Discharge Current 40 A
6) Maximum Short Duration
Discharge Current 120 A
7) Operating Temperature Range
Charge: -15°C to 50°C
Discharge: -20°C to 60°C
8) Charge Retention at 20°C
1 month 97%
3 months 91%
6 months 85%
9) Life Expectancy (standby use) 5 to 7 years @ 25°C
10) Sealed Construction can be operated/charged without leakage
11) Standard Terminal Faston Tab 250
12) Housing Material ABS resin
Length 90.0 mm ±1 mm
Width 70.0 mm ±1 mm
Height 102.0 mm ±1 mm
Height (incl terminals) 106.0 mm ±2 mm