详细介绍: 南京灼华电气有限公司是专业从事工业自动化、电气控制、自动化仪表开发、设计、生产、销售、服务为一体的高新企业。可为用户提供技术领先、安全可靠的工业过程控制产品及全面解决方案。产品可广泛应用于水泥、冶金、矿山、石油、化工、机械、电力、能源、环保、航空航天、机器人制造等多个行业领域。本公司与世界千余家各大厂商精诚合作,经销欧美日各类进口工控备件。如美国ASCO电磁阀、德国HYDAC、德国SICK、日本横河EJA、德国SAMSON阀门定位、美国FISHER阀门定位器、德国SCHUNK夹具、德国E+H、德国ASM传感器等等。常年备有大量库存现货,价格优惠,可提供技术选型支持。
![](http://img05.jdzj.com/oledit/UploadFile/news2015a/image/20170329/20170329103775177517.jpg) ![](http://img05.jdzj.com/oledit/UploadFile/news2015a/image/20170329/20170329103768946894.jpg) ![](http://img05.jdzj.com/oledit/UploadFile/news2015a/image/20170329/20170329103743724372.jpg) ![](http://img05.jdzj.com/oledit/UploadFile/news2015a/image/20170329/20170329103718791879.jpg) ![](http://img05.jdzj.com/oledit/UploadFile/news2015a/image/20170329/20170329103787348734.jpg)
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16 percentage 3241-7 GG-25 3277/240CM2 3730-0 0.4-2BAR Locator
灼华SAMSON MODEL 44-6B FRA SAMSO 1/2" Female thread Namecard 1129274 Set point 0,2 - 2,0 Bar
灼华SAMSON 2424-2049-03
灼华SAMSON 3241 DN100
灼华SAMSON 4763-01300121000000.04
灼华SAMSON 241 02 C 22.8 569541 Pos.07 DN25 PN40 Kvs2.5 GL ME+3271 01 240 FA H??15 F??0.2-1 V+IP Converter
灼华SAMSON 1849PCV357A
灼华SAMSON 4746-03202X0.07
灼华SAMSON 3434-2000.01
灼华SAMSON DN50PN40 0619/WCCAY6882
灼华SAMSON MODEL:3730-20001000400000000.01 VER-ID 2883954 SERIAL NO.0112676
灼华SAMSON 3241 02 GS-C25 569541 DN100+3271 01 700 FA H??30 F??2.1-3.3 V+IP Converter
灼华SAMSON 69541 Pos.06 KV25 GL ME+3271 01 350 FA H??15 F??0.4-2 V??0.8-2.4+IP Converter
灼华SAMSON 2720-3-1-33000000400000000.01
灼华SAMSON 4763-01100121000000.04??With IP Converter) Var-ID??1008578
灼华SAMSON 3730-11000000000000000.02
灼华SAMSON AG 3730-30000000400000
灼华SAMSON 3214 D1 ENJ1041 DN25PN16
灼华SAMSON 3730-31000000400000000
灼华SAMSON I/P6111 4-20MA 0.1-5bar order nr:0000-K558-001
灼华SAMSON DN50 1.0MPA,SUS316L,AC220/24VDC Medium: urea solution
灼华SAMSON 489974
灼华SAMSON type 3701
灼华SAMSON 41-23 DN25 PN25,8-16 bar, KVS 8
灼华SAMSON 3241-7 +3730-2 +3277 240cm2 DN20/PN16 1.6
灼华SAMSON 4708-6322
灼华SAMSON Typ:6111 ID:1327620
灼华SAMSON DN15, type 2 NI-PN16
灼华SAMSON 4708-4572010320000 DN1/4??NPT
灼华SAMSON 5824-10 2770-010100-01
灼华SAMSON 3767-10001220110000.06 var-id 1058741 serial 802446
灼华SAMSON 3241-7 +3730-2 +3277 240cm2 DN20/PN16 6.3
灼华SAMSON 3277?ID:1010623
灼华SAMSON 27102460,3222K / 5824-KVS0.63(10 2770-010100-01)
灼华SAMSON RPS30 943662003
灼华SAMSON 3271 01 700 FE??H:30??F:0.2-1
灼华SAMSON 3730-200010001000.01
灼华SAMSON DN50 PN16 3241-1 350cm2 2-4Bar 3730-3
灼华SAMSON MODEL 6111-01010.00??NR.504673
灼华SAMSON 2814-10011093601
灼华SAMSON 241-7/3271-65-16-25F
灼华SAMSON 324100A9954A
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16 Kvs = 2.5 4 ~ 20mA input (241 +3271 +4763)
灼华SAMSON RT2-TX/FX 943658002
灼华SAMSON trovis 6495-22 SN:210240
灼华SAMSON 6109-0010 no??0104
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16 3241-KVS0.25-3271/120CM2 4763
灼华SAMSON Jul-41
灼华SAMSON 4763-81300121000000
灼华SAMSON Ethernet-Switch / 4 Ports/ 1 FO RS2-4TX1FX 943773001
灼华SAMSON 3241/3374-15,84818069
灼华SAMSON 3222 2581029
灼华SAMSON DN25 PN16 3241-7KVS10-3277/240CM2/0.8-2.4 3785
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16-3241-7KVS0.4-3277/240CM2/0.4-2 3730-3
灼华SAMSON 4746-02812 X0.07 SN??602999
灼华SAMSON 3963-0300 0220 0010 00000 , Var-ID??1246046 SN??01777222 24V G114
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN25 3222 Kvs1.6
灼华SAMSON 3241-3277-3760 PN16 DN40
灼华SAMSON 3241-7 +3730-2 +3277 240cm2 DN15/PN16
灼华SAMSON 3227/2.4bar/DN80 1082
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON 42-24B DN40 160mm
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN25 3222 Kvs6.3
灼华SAMSON DN100 PN16KVS=100 3241-1 700cm2 2-4Bar 3730-3
灼华SAMSON Model??3277-02102000-00 SN??3-06363302 DN50 PN40 4408/CF8m 6366 3241 01 1.4408 DN50 08BJ12334 KV40% POS12
灼华SAMSON 3241-1 +3277 240cm2 DN50/PN16 Kvs = 40
灼华SAMSON 3271 700c?O
灼华SAMSON valve KY3421 DN100 PN25
灼华SAMSON 3372-0511.01
灼华SAMSON 3767-7 200X2X00105??NR.409948
灼华SAMSON 6111-01810 G1/4",4-20mA 0.1-5BAR, IP20
灼华SAMSON ?0520-0525?
灼华SAMSON 6116-02010112121200
灼华SAMSON 4746-13202100000.07 SN 803365 ID 1008566
灼华SAMSON (灼华SAMSON)&FCV-2303 241-7/3730-3&
灼华SAMSON 3730-31001000400000000.01,serial no:2101736
灼华SAMSON 4765-01200310000.03 var-ID:1008639 SERTAL NO:904586
灼华SAMSON 1120-2402 DN60-85
灼华SAMSON Sep-45
灼华SAMSON DN25 PN16 linear 3271/240CM2 3241-1 GG-25 0.4-2BAR
灼华SAMSON 0.5-6 bar 3-1361
灼华SAMSON Valve Diaphragm / 700CM2 / control valve / 灼华SAMSON 0520-0499
灼华SAMSON model 6111-0020121711110000.00 Var-id 110446 SN:117033
灼华SAMSON 3730-11000000000000000
灼华SAMSON 3241 DN40; PN16; Kvs 25; GG-25
灼华SAMSON 6111 PN10
灼华SAMSON Positioner: 3730-2
灼华SAMSON 3730-20001000400000000.01
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16 JL1040/1288 6226
灼华SAMSON NR.3252-7
灼华SAMSON 30-Mar
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON(Vetec) rotary plug valve type 73.7 M DN12" ANSI CLASS600 body:1.4408. kvs:1483/cv1715,ACT:MZ700, with Siemens positioner 6DR5010,Solenoid valve type Norgren.Air set Norgren.
灼华SAMSON 241-7/3271-50-16-16F
灼华SAMSON 3241
灼华SAMSON Actuator 5824-10 230V 2GS 1008823
灼华SAMSON 1991-2810 DN40-50 PN 40
灼华SAMSON BR14b\SUS310S/HAC\PN0.51\DN250\
灼华SAMSON 3271 1600 c?O
灼华SAMSON DN25/3214
灼华SAMSON 3730-31000000400000000.01
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16 linear 3271/120CM2 3241-1 GG-25 0.4-2BAR
灼华SAMSON 4708-1152010200000
灼华SAMSON Type??41-23
灼华SAMSON 3244-3271 DN40 PN16
灼华SAMSON 3767-004-011-211-10000
灼华SAMSON 4763-00120012110.03.serial-No.4012893
灼华SAMSON Model 3274-11 t=120s 30mm V=0.25mm/s 4-20mA ??3241-02 EN-JL1040 DN50 PN16 KV40%ME DN50
灼华SAMSON 3241-13241 03 DN15 PN25 2.5KW CONTROL4763
灼华SAMSON (灼华SAMSON)&FCV-2011 241-7/3730-3&
灼华SAMSON Q100719-002
灼华SAMSON 3730-1 straight stroke double action, with limit, the locator supporting amplifier: 1079; Stroke: 15 mm
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON 5824-10
灼华SAMSON 3345-1 + 3271
灼华SAMSON 3241 EN-JL1040 ??DN15 PN16
灼华SAMSON DN32 PN16 Kvs16 4 ~ 20mA input (241 +3271 +4763)
灼华SAMSON 3241 DN65; PN16; Kvs 60; GG-25
灼华SAMSON 3785-00002310
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON3251-3277-3730 DN80
灼华SAMSON 41-23 KVS50 DN65
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON 3804 Var-ID:1012099
灼华SAMSON XV-9416 3241 6"
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16-3241-KVS4-3271/120CM2 0.4-2Bar
灼华SAMSON Model 3274-11 t=120s 30mm V=0.25mm/s 4-20mA ??3241-02 EN-JL1040 DN65 PN16 KV60%ME DN65
灼华SAMSON 5824 1008823
灼华SAMSON DN25 PN16 Kvs = 10 4 ~ 20mA input (241 +3271 +4763)
灼华SAMSON 82-7 AT
灼华SAMSON 241-7/3271-50-16-10F
灼华SAMSON 3241-3274-2311110200 (FC), DN32 PN1.6MPa material JL1040 105 ?? hot KV = 10
灼华SAMSON (灼华SAMSON)&DN100 PN16 1 8387
灼华SAMSON TYPE:3241 DN40 PN16 BODY:EN-JL1040 KVS:10 EQ ME 3277/240cm2 SPRING RANGE0.6-2.2BAR. I/P POSITIONER 3730-3(4-20mA.DC input)
灼华SAMSON 6111-01811/9040..00,Seriel no:201479,input:4-20ma,output:0-5bar,supplr:5.4bar
灼华SAMSON type 3725
灼华SAMSON 3730-31001000400000000.01,ID2660896,SN:0116326
灼华SAMSON ID.2414569.03 SN.1081 *012330*
灼华SAMSON 44-6B/2720, 1086697, 30078 150?? 1-4bar
灼华SAMSON 241-ST5113 600KP
灼华SAMSON 3767
灼华SAMSON samsomatic 3776-1,model 3776-1220 0000 0121 00000,serial no.0298 7989
灼华SAMSON see the photo
灼华SAMSON 3241 DN25; PN16; Kvs 2.5; GG-25
灼华SAMSON 5825-25
灼华SAMSON 3241-3274-2311110200(FC)
灼华SAMSON 3730-3 straight stroke double action, with limit, the locator supporting amplifier: 1079; Stroke: 45 mm
灼华SAMSON 4763 1008578 4...20mA 1008578 012898
灼华SAMSON 3214 DN40,PN25
灼华SAMSON 1991-0944 DN15-80 1.4404 oil and grease for oxygen
灼华SAMSON Serial No.7011117
灼华SAMSON 241+Dr3271/120+Pos.3730-2wFB DN65
灼华SAMSON 3214 EN-JL1040 1648678
灼华SAMSON 3730-3000000040000 0000.01
灼华SAMSON 8392-2317 VS.5 3241
灼华SAMSON 18.0109
灼华SAMSON BR 14b\SUS310S/HAC-276\PN0.51MPa\DN
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16 3241-1 KVS4 3271/120CM2 4763
灼华SAMSON TROVIS 6493 Model No:6493-021L01
灼华SAMSON 241??3271??3730-4DN25PN16(PA)
灼华SAMSON 4708-4576010200000,ID2956476
灼华SAMSON DN50 PN16 3241-7 Kvs25 350cm2 With3785 Locator
灼华SAMSON 701-076?
灼华SAMSON 4746-12102*0.07,Var-ID 1066612,serial NO.701916
灼华SAMSON model??3274-14 ID:1090409 0089
灼华SAMSON DN40 PN40 324100A126B C-139-1A/Cv3.0
灼华SAMSON 3241\SUS304/SUS316\PN0.3MPa\DN100\
灼华SAMSON 44-1B 1074878 0016 KVS5.0
灼华SAMSON DN15PN16-3241-7KVS4-3277/120CM2/0.4-2
灼华SAMSON 251.282 SIZE-170(A-B-A SWEDEN S20)
灼华SAMSON 3730-16-00121001.04
灼华SAMSON SN.6046959 MODEL.3730-200010001000.01 VAR.IN 1087127
灼华SAMSON valve: KZ03-28
灼华SAMSON 4763-00120012110.03/30mm
灼华SAMSON DN25 PN16 3241-7KVS1-3271/120CM2/0.4-2
灼华SAMSON Var-ID1062473 Serlal no.8074278
灼华SAMSON DN25 PN16 3241-7KVS16-3271/240CM2/0.4-2
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON3730-3 3730-31000000400000000.01 Var ID2659179 Serial no 0108446
灼华SAMSON 3730-2 straight stroke double action, with limit, the locator supporting amplifier: 1079; Stroke: 32 mm
灼华SAMSON Jan-44
灼华SAMSON 3241-1 +3730-4 DN15 PN16 Kvs = 4 0.4-2bar
灼华SAMSON 2780-1111011/9000;serial no.0115;air supply max.4.0bar/60psl
灼华SAMSON Order No??3225623+2948856+2019289+1174284+1605103+1589715?? Type No??10443170
灼华SAMSON 4708-1252010320000 DN1/4??NPT
灼华SAMSON (灼华SAMSON)&FCV-2203 241-7/3730-3&
灼华SAMSON 4708-5322020100000??warld??1605388 0.5-0.6mpa output??3730/3766/3787/3780)
灼华SAMSON MODEL.3776-0520000031-13
灼华SAMSON Type 3760
灼华SAMSON We need Converter??3767-00001220110000.06 ID:1046105???
灼华SAMSON 3730-3100100040000000.01
灼华SAMSON Valve : 4708-1122
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON 5824-30 Var-ID.1008822.03 Serial.No.1060*184521*
灼华SAMSON PA-19P.266
灼华SAMSON 5825-20 ID:1061898.03
灼华SAMSON 3260 DN40/PN16
灼华SAMSON DN100 PN16 1 8387
灼华SAMSON 6111-1020111110110000
灼华SAMSON DN80 PN25KVS=100 3241-1 350cm2 2-4Bar 3730-3
灼华SAMSON 3244-3274-2111110200 (FC), DN50 PN1.6MPa material JL1040 105 ?? hot KV = 40
灼华SAMSON 241??7/3785240cm3/DN15/Kvs=0.16/0.4-2bar
灼华SAMSON XV-2154/XV-2254 3241 3"
灼华SAMSON 6112-Q4010110000.00?ID:1008943?
灼华SAMSON 324100A216WCC 1304057
灼华SAMSON 241??3271??3730-4DN15/PN16(PA)
灼华SAMSON 3730-0 ID2659921
灼华SAMSON XV1216A/B/C 3241 3"
灼华SAMSON Actuator:3277-01102000-00,serial no:3-09214001 Positioner:3730-3,Model:3730-31001000400000000.01,serial no:9041662
灼华SAMSON NR.3241-7-1
灼华SAMSON MODEL 4763-1120011100000. 04 input: 4-20MA
灼华SAMSON 700CM2, 05200499
灼华SAMSON 4708-4572010200000
灼华SAMSON DN20 PN16 Kvs = 6.3 4 ~ 20mA input (241 +3271 +4763)
灼华SAMSON 3730-3/1091096
灼华SAMSON 44-1B PN16 "thread connection the set pressure, 1-4Bar
灼华SAMSON 3241-1 DN15PN16 Kvs = 4 0.4-2bar120cm 2 (Sealing Rating: zero leakage; soft seal, without locator)
灼华SAMSON 3372-0511.01 PN16 DN50 4-20MA
灼华SAMSON 4763-01200121000000.04;Var-ID 1008579,serial NO.709746
灼华SAMSON 4708-1121010220000
灼华SAMSON 4763-00110032110.03/SERIQL-NO:307351/4-20MA
灼华SAMSON 3241-1 DN15 PN16 Kvs = 4 0.4-2bar 120cm ^ 2
灼华SAMSON 4763-01200321000000.04
灼华SAMSON Model??3321 PCV11-1B
灼华SAMSON 4744-1,Model8070/1
灼华SAMSON 3730-1/1067597
灼华SAMSON MODEL.3963-03000121001220000
灼华SAMSON 3730-01000000000000000
灼华SAMSON 44-1B PN16 "whorl set pressure, 4-10Bar
灼华SAMSON SS-DIN-3241-DN15PN40-3271-3730-3
灼华SAMSON ??0520-0325?
灼华SAMSON 6126-021110000.00 Serial NO.601055,4-20mA
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON3372 actuator 24V, conductive gas control valve model :3372-12121111310000000 .01 900023
灼华SAMSON 324102 EM-JL 1040 DN50 PN16 1350537
灼华SAMSON MODEL 5005 PN50 1341059/003.00 SERIAL-NO 703050 0-1600mbar
灼华SAMSON 9071875
灼华SAMSON 3731-321 0042100010000.01
灼华SAMSON DN25PN16-3241-7KVS16-3271/240CM2/0.4-2
灼华SAMSON 3351-93120-08 GG.25 6228 DN25 PN16
灼华SAMSON 324102 1.0619
灼华SAMSON 2410-01-EN-JL1040 DN15 PN16 (KVS0.63 Sealing Rating: zero leakage; soft seal with positioner)
灼华SAMSON 332300 EN-JL1040 DN50 PN16 0054 KV32
灼华SAMSON 5345-1 70-130??C
灼华SAMSON 6126-02213100,DN50/PN25
灼华SAMSON Type 6.054-0522;Fabr Nr.10084;Id Nr.130118
灼华SAMSON 3277 serial no 0048 var-id 1010629
灼华SAMSON DN 25 PN16 Kvs = 4 4 ~ 20mA input (241 +163785 +240)
灼华SAMSON Model??3372
灼华SAMSON DN20PN16-3241-7KVS4-3277/240CM2/0.4-2
灼华SAMSON 3730-31000000100000000.01
灼华SAMSON 4763-01100321000000.0A
灼华SAMSON Type 7463
灼华SAMSON 3244-3274-2111110200(FC)
灼华SAMSON 3241 DN50; PN16; Kvs 35; GG-25
灼华SAMSON (灼华SAMSON)&FCV-2103 241-7/3730-3&
灼华SAMSON XV-1114A/B XV1117A/B/C/D 3241 6"
灼华SAMSON pressure regulator Valve cc488k k06
灼华SAMSON JL 1040/126 B
灼华SAMSON 3222/5824-KVS0.63 G1/2" 5824-10/24VAC three-point stepping signal
灼华SAMSON DN40 PN16 3241-7 KVS16 3277/350CM2 /0.6-3 3785-00002310
灼华SAMSON 27104460,3222K / 5824-KVS8(10 2770-010100-01)
灼华SAMSON BR 14b\SUS304/SUS316\PN0.044\DN150
灼华SAMSON 3730-30000000400000000.01
灼华SAMSON 3241 DN80; PN16; Kvs 100; GG-25
灼华SAMSON DN50 PN16 Kvs = 40 4 ~ 20mA input (241 +3271 +4763)
灼华SAMSON 3760-00121100000.02 1008177 110057
灼华SAMSON Body 灼华SAMSON 332100 DN20 PN16
灼华SAMSON DN40 PN16-3241-7KVS16-3277/350CM2/0.6-3 3785
灼华SAMSON 4708-5322
灼华SAMSON 3767-02001220110000.06
灼华SAMSON DN15PN16??327101-KVS4-324102GG
灼华SAMSON 3730-2 straight stroke double action, with limit, the locator supporting amplifier: 1079; Stroke: 45 mm
灼华SAMSON 241 +3271 +3730-4 DN40 PN16 Kvs = 16 split with PA interface
灼华SAMSON 4763-01200121000000.04
灼华SAMSON DN32 PN16 3241-7-KVS10-3277/240CM20.6-3
灼华SAMSON MODEL 6111-01010.00??NR.506276
灼华SAMSON 27103815,3222K / 5824-KVS25(10 2770-010100-01 )
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16 3241-7 Kvs0.25 240cm2
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON3251-3271-3730 DN100
灼华SAMSON 6116-022111 000.01
灼华SAMSON 3767-1000X1X001.06 Serial-Nr.308698
灼华SAMSON 6111-0020111610110000.00
灼华SAMSON 6111-0010110110110000.00
灼华SAMSON 3241-1 +3730-2 EN-JL1040 DN20/PN16 240cm2
灼华SAMSON 6111-1020111710110000
灼华SAMSON 3730-20000000400000000
灼华SAMSON 4746-02812100000.07
灼华SAMSON DN40 PN16 Kvs = 25 4 ~ 20mA input (241 +3271 +4763)
灼华SAMSON 8414-2541 102*120*1|316L
灼华SAMSON 5825-20
灼华SAMSON 41-1-DN150-PN40-160-700
灼华SAMSON 5824-10 MODEL 2770-010400.02 SERIAL 0048*117477*
灼华SAMSON 5277-5,85365080
灼华SAMSON 241-7/3271-25-16-4.0F
灼华SAMSON DN60/3214
灼华SAMSON model 4763-01200321000000.04 var-ID 1008585 serial no.705422
灼华SAMSON "灼华SAMSON"4763-00120032110.04 S/N:5014345
灼华SAMSON TROVIS6495-2,SN.110423
灼华SAMSON 3730-01000000000000000.01
灼华SAMSON 763,3763-0001.02+EB8353E
灼华SAMSON 241EN-JL1040 DN15 PN16 (KVS0.25 Sealing Rating: zero leakage; soft seal with positioner)
灼华SAMSON 4746-02812 X0.07 SN??602999
灼华SAMSON Type 3759 Remote adjuster Without mounting parts Output pressure range 0 to 1.6 bar Pneumatic connection 2 x 1/8 NPT Var-id 1008171 3759-020000-0
灼华SAMSON 3351-93120-08 CG.256228??DN25 PN16
灼华SAMSON FILTER/2NI(0550-0245)
灼华SAMSON type 6116-0, 4-20 mA
灼华SAMSON 4763-011001210000000.04;SN.804768,id1008578
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16 3241-1 KVS0.25 3271-120CM2 0.4-2BAR 3730-2 Locator
灼华SAMSON 3241-7 +3730-2 EN-JL1040 DN25/PN16 240cm2
灼华SAMSON 3730-40000000110000000.01
灼华SAMSON 6111 4-20ma 0.2-1.1bar
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON 241-ST5113-53,600Kp,灼华SAMSON 324102,EN-JL 1040
灼华SAMSON 42-36
灼华SAMSON DN40 PN16 3241-1 350cm2 0.4-2Bar 3730-3
灼华SAMSON DN25 PN16 3241-7 Kvs10 240cm2 With 3730-4-PROFISBUS Locator
灼华SAMSON 4708-4572010320000 0,5-6BAR
灼华SAMSON valve KY3421 DN150 PN25
灼华SAMSON 4708-5352020100000
灼华SAMSON multi-v1608n-fse
灼华SAMSON DN25 PN10 G675 25D 817 5E 0
灼华SAMSON 605471 6111-01812.00
灼华SAMSON 3730-3 straight stroke double action, with limit, the locator supporting amplifier: 1079; Stroke: 32 mm
灼华SAMSON Model??3372-02121111312000000.01??Serial no??0057 Air supply??3-6bar input 4-20mA 15mm.
灼华SAMSON 3241-7 +3730-2 +3277 240cm2 DN25/PN16
灼华SAMSON 6111-01811/9040
灼华SAMSON (灼华SAMSON)&ZJHP-25C 241-7/3730-3&
灼华SAMSON 701-073??
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16-3241-7KVS1-3271/120CM2/0.4-2
灼华SAMSON 6109-0010 SN.0097
灼华SAMSON 灼华SAMSON 1400.60
灼华SAMSON DN15 PN16-3241-KVS4-3271/120CM2/KVS0.25 3730-3
灼华SAMSON 3241-7 +3730-2 +3277 240cm2 N40/PN16
灼华SAMSON 0310-2184 DN50
灼华SAMSON (灼华SAMSON)&241-1-DN150-PN40-160-700&
灼华SAMSON DN 15 PN16 Kvs = 4 4 ~ 20mA input (241 +163785 +240)
灼华SAMSON 3730-1 straight stroke double action, with limit, the locator supporting amplifier: 1079; Stroke: 60mm
灼华SAMSON 3271-00-1400-FE,H60??F0.2-1
灼华SAMSON 3277-03141091060101000.01 1011 1089719
灼华SAMSON 4763-001100Y2116.03
灼华SAMSON DN25,PN40,cv13
灼华SAMSON 3730-3 ID2894675
灼华SAMSON 241-7/3271-40-16-6.3F
灼华SAMSON Body valve:3347-99,DN50,1.4539,Pmax20??=40bar,Tmax=150??,KVS=4% ME,serial no:3-09214001,灼华SAMSON 0901143,ChangeNO:719103+823125,RED G2/L1/III,Spool No. :0229-2043 T A
灼华SAMSON DN50/PN16 Flange connection with 3785 Electrical Locator
灼华SAMSON 4763-01300121000000.04 VAR.ID 1008580 SERIAL NO:010527 INPUT:4-20MA
灼华SAMSON TROVIS 6493 Model No:6493-011L01 serial no:202957 230VAC 50/60HZ 6VA
灼华SAMSON 3241-01-GG25DN80/KVS60/350/4763 (with positioner)
灼华SAMSON 4763-011000 321-000000.04
灼华SAMSON 3730-1 straight stroke double action, with limit, the locator supporting amplifier: 1079; Stroke: 30 mm
灼华SAMSON 6111-0010110110110000.00 Serial no:010160 Var-ID:1011518
灼华SAMSON 1355835 2412 NO.121728103 KVS 20 P2 F4400N BAR DN65 PN16 AP16BAR T220?? EN-JL1040 +灼华SAMSON 2413 1003081