BVR 0.3软芯电线(现货定尺生产)
矿用地面电缆MHYV|矿用地上电话线MHYV煤矿专用电缆|井下电缆|矿山电缆|井筒电缆|防爆电话线|矿用设备专用电缆|井下信号电缆|统称矿用通信电缆MHYAV (5×2 10×2 20×2 30×2 50×2 80×2 100×2 对数二、 电缆型号及名称 MHYV ----(1-10对)煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套通信电缆 MHYVR ----(2-10对)煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯护套通信软电缆 MHYVP ----(2-10对)煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘编织屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套通信电缆 MHYVRP ----(2-10对)煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘编织屏蔽聚氯乙烯护套通信电缆 MHY32 ----(2-19对)煤矿用聚乙烯绝缘钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯护套通信电缆 三\产品用途; MHYV----用于矿场作普通信号传输,使用于固定敷设. MHYVR----用于矿场作普通信号传输,可移动使用. MHYVP----用于电场干扰较大的场所作信号传输,使用于固定敷设. MHYVRP----用于电场干扰较大的场所作信号传输,电缆较柔软. MHY32----用于平巷,竖巷或斜巷作主信号传输. 电缆的使用特性: 。 电缆导体的长期允许工作温度-40~+50℃; 月平均最大相对湿度为≤95%(+25℃时) 电缆允许附设与安装的温度应不大于-10℃ 电缆最小弯曲半径:MHYV、MHJYV型电缆为电缆外径的10倍,其它型号的电缆为外径的15倍。
DJYVP22 聚绝缘对绞铜线编织总屏蔽聚氯护套钢带铠装计算机电缆 敷设室内、电缆沟、管道等要求静电屏蔽较大机械外力固定并承受。
DJYVP2-22 聚绝缘对绞铜带总屏蔽聚氯护套钢装计算机电缆带铠 敷设室内、电缆沟、管道等要求静电屏蔽较大机械外力固定并承受。
阻燃通信电缆用途:主要用于传输音频、150kHZ及以下的模拟信号和2048kbit/s及以下的数字信号。在一定条件下,也可用于传输2048kbit/s以上的数字信号。适用于矿山、电厂、市内、近郊及局部地区。型号:ZRC-HYAT阻燃通信电缆,WDZ-HYAT无卤阻燃通信电缆,ZR-HYAT阻燃通信电缆,MHYAT矿用通信电缆技术特点:防火阻燃 低损耗 低色散 结构紧凑 良好的综合机械性能应用范围:适用于矿山、电厂、市内、近郊及局部地区,起到防火阻燃作用。
er over the miserable Mary in the last sad months of her life, and Elizabeth’s star rose, suitors became more plentiful. At the beginning of 1558 Philip had sent haughty Feria as his ambassador to his wife to drive her into providing men and money to help him in his war against France. Calais and Guisnes had just been lost to England, and Mary, all her hopes and illusions fled, was fretting her heart out in despair. In April an ambassador arrived from the King of Sweden, Gustus, with letters to the Queen proing a treaty of commerce between the two countries, and the marriage of his eldest son,20 Eric, with Princess Elizabeth. The ambassador was in no hurry to seek aunce of the Queen—her day was already on the wane—but ted down to Hatfield to see the Princess, to whom he delivered a letter from Prince Eric himself. The Queen was overcome with rage at this and with fear that Philip would blame her for refusing his request to restore Elizabeth in blood and marry her to Emmanuel of Soy, and thus giving rise to this embarrassing Swedish offer. Hearing that Feria was about to send a courier to Flanders, she summoned him, and in a violent passion of tears reproached him with w
PYV22 铜芯聚绝缘钢带铠装聚氯护套电缆
DJYPVR聚绝缘对绞铜线编织分屏蔽聚氯护计算机电缆套软 敷设室内、电缆沟、管道等要求静电屏蔽。
阻燃电缆 :◎ IEC60332-3/BS4066-3阻燃等级(成束电线或电缆垂直 Flame On BunchedWires/Cables) 这是成束电缆的。试验规定,成束 3.5m长的电缆试样用铁丝固定在梯形架上,试样数量按不同分类所要求的非金属物料决定。试样垂直挂在炉背壁上,空气通过底板上的进气口引入炉。丙烷平面器以750℃的火焰与试样,试样在强制吹风(气流排放5m3/分钟,风速0.9m/秒)的情况下,必须在垂直20分钟内燃不起来,电缆在火焰蔓延2.5米以内自行熄灭。IEC60332有A类、B类、C类和D类之分,以评定阻燃性能优劣。
that at one juncture he had sed her life, and it is highly probable that the Princess was released from the Tower in May, 1554 on the recommendation of Renard, made in the name of the coming bridegroom of the Queen. De Noailles writes that she was to go to Richmond from the Tower, and was there to receive two gentlemen from the Emperor who were to sound her as to a marriage with Emmanuel of Soy. If she refused the match she was to be taken to Woodstock under guard, again a prisoner. De Noailles knew that the best way of preventing such a match was to arouse the Queen’s18 suspicion that Elizabeth was plotting with the French. So with devilish ingenuity he sent a man with a present of apples to the Princess to meet her on her arrival at Richmond
绝缘电气强度:导体之间1min 1kv不击穿 导体与屏蔽1min 3kv不击穿