HYA小对数通信电缆HYA 10X2X0.5
MHYA32(HUYA32) 矿用聚绝缘、铝/聚粘结护层、镀锌钢丝铠装、阻燃聚氯护套通信电缆 10-100 1/0.81/1.0 用于煤矿竖井或斜井作通信线。
568B: 橙白——1,橙——2,绿白——3,蓝——4,蓝白——5, 绿——6,棕白——7,棕——8
er over the miserable Mary in the last sad months of her life, and Elizabeth’s star rose, suitors became more plentiful. At the beginning of 1558 Philip had sent haughty Feria as his ambassador to his wife to drive her into providing men and money to help him in his war against France. Calais and Guisnes had just been lost to England, and Mary, all her hopes and illusions fled, was fretting her heart out in despair. In April an ambassador arrived from the King of Sweden, Gustus, with letters to the Queen proing a treaty of commerce between the two countries, and the marriage of his eldest son,20 Eric, with Princess Elizabeth. The ambassador was in no hurry to seek aunce of the Queen—her day was already on the wane—but ted down to Hatfield to see the Princess, to whom he delivered a letter from Prince Eric himself. The Queen was overcome with rage at this and with fear that Philip would blame her for refusing his request to restore Elizabeth in blood and marry her to Emmanuel of Soy, and thus giving rise to this embarrassing Swedish offer. Hearing that Feria was about to send a courier to Flanders, she summoned him, and in a violent passion of tears reproached him with w
HYAC:铜芯实心聚烯烃绝缘自承式挡潮层聚护套市内通信电缆 。
系数 1.26 1.22 1.18 1.14 1.09 1.04 1.00 0.94 0.89 1.11 1.07 1.04 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.87 0.83
HYAT23 铠装通信电缆用途:铠装通信电缆机械保护层可以加到任何结构的电缆上,以增加电缆的机械强度,提高防侵蚀能力,是为易受机械破坏及易受侵蚀的地区而设计的电话电缆。可以采用任何一种方式敷设,更适用于岩石地区的直埋敷设。 铠装通信电缆结构: 1、基本电缆:任何单护套或双护套结构的填充型和非填充型电缆。 2、铠装通信电缆机械保护层:53型采用0.15mm厚的轧纹钢带,纵包于基本电缆之上,两边搭接。钢带表面经涂塑处理,以防腐蚀和水份侵入。 23,22型采用双层钢带绕包也有相似的性能。3、铠装通信电缆护套:黑色高分子量低密度聚乙烯或聚氯乙稀护套。护套厚度可取决于基本电缆外径。
It was no longer a question of marriage, of course, but many gallant gentlemen, Raleigh, Es, Blount, Harrington, and the rest of them, were yet to keep her hand in at the courtly old game, and bow their handsome heads before the perennial beauty which had now become an article of the national faith. With these one-sided courtships, the vain amusements of the Queen in her declining a
电缆用全色谱的实心聚绝缘,经过绝缘的导线被扭绞成线对,由线对绞合成缆芯。电缆缆芯外加上适宜的缆芯材料,涂塑铝带屏蔽层及上面印有按计数顺序表示的长度标志的黑色外扩套后方能完成。结 构导线:实心退火铜线。铜线直径为0.32、0.4、0.6、0.8(mm)。