多年来企业以“质量第一,用户至上,优质服务,信守合同”为宗旨,“诚信诚德、和谐共赢”的经营理念,坚持“以质量求存、以信誉求发展,今天的质量,明天的生存” 的原则,
ZA-RVV22 铜芯阻燃聚氯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯护套软电缆。
DJVV(R)P3-22 聚氯绝缘铝塑复合带绕包总屏聚氯护套钢带铠装计算机用屏蔽(软)电缆。
铠装控制电缆检测报告:直流电阻:20℃,0.4mm铜线,小于等于148Ω/km ,0.5mm铜线,小于等于95Ω/km。
therefore, your Majesty to keep in view all the steps to be taken on your behalf; one of them being that the Emperor should not send any ambassador here to treat of this, for it would be inconvenient enough for Ferdinand to marry here even if he took the titbit from your Majesty’s hand, but very much worse if it were arranged in any other way. For the present, I know for certain they will not hear the name of the Duke of Soy mentioned, as they fear he will want to recover his estates with English forces, and will keep them constantly at war. I am very pleased to see that the nobles are beginning to open their eyes to the fact that it will not do to marry this woman in the country itself.... The more I think over this business the more certain I am that everything23 depends upon the huand this woman may take. If he be a suitable one,
ZR-BPGGP 硅橡胶绝缘和护套铜丝编织屏蔽耐高温变频电力电缆。
HYAC (架空 ) 内导体线径 ( mm ) : 0.40 、 0.50 、 0.60 、 0.63 、 0.70 、 0.80 、 0.90 对数 (对 ): 10—300
Prince Philip. She herself was in gre dou at that time and afterwards as to its wisdom or practicability. Young Courtney had been designated by the public voice as the most fitting consort for her; and although the romantic theories of many historians as to her suped attachment to him are unsupported
工频耐压试验:电力电缆应经受3500V、5min不击穿。控制电缆应经受3000V,5min不击穿。 应经受-15℃的低温卷绕试验或低温冲击试验.试验后试样表面应无目力可见的裂纹.